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- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ==== RI GadTools Menu Library v1.0ß ====
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Written By Stephen McNamara
- ©1995 Leading Edge Software
- This library provides access to the GadTools library functions for
- setting up and layouting out menustrips. Because of its use of Gadtools,
- this library is for us with OS2 and above.
- Users of the current Acid library should have no problems converting to
- this library, since it has been designed so that the only major differences
- between them are the slight command name changes. The benefit of using
- this library is that GadTools takes over all positioning of menuitems, and
- will automatically take account of things like font sensitivity and items
- going off screen. You'll also get that nice OS2 feeling to your menuitems,
- including those luvly bar items.
- If you wish to have proper GadTools menus you need to open your windows
- with the NewLookMenus flag set. Do this by either specifying NewLookMenus
- in your taglist for WindowTags, or by adding the value $200000 to your
- window flags when you call the Window command.
- The library has its own Blitz2 object associated with it: GTMenuList,
- which looks like:
- Newtype.GTMenuList
- *MenuList
- *MenuLookup
- numitems.w
- End Newtype
- The latest version of the LES Debugger has this object built in for
- convience.
- Command List:
- GTMenuTitle GTMenuList#,menu,title$
- GTMenuItem GTMenuList#,flags,menu,item[,itemtext$[,shortcut$]]
- GTSubItem GTMenuList#,flags,menu,item,subitem[,itemtext$[,shortcut$]]
- CreateMenuStrip GTMenuList#
- GTSetMenu GTMenuList#
- GTUnSetMenu
- status=GTMenuChecked (GTMenuList#,menu,item[,subitem])
- GTSetMenuChecked GTMenuList#,menu,item[,subitem],Off|On
- GTFreeMenu GTMenuList#,menu[,item[,subitem]]
- Statement: GTMenuTitle
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modes : Amiga/Blitz
- Syntax: GTMenuTitle GTMenuList#,menu,title$
- This creates the specified menutitle in the GTMenuList given. The text
- to display for the title is given in title$
- This command fails if 'menu' is greater than 0 but menu title menu-1 hasn't
- been defined
- Statement: GTMenuItem
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modes : Amiga/Blitz
- Syntax: GTMenuItem GTMenuList#,flags,menu,item[,itemtext$[,shortcut$]]
- This creates the specified menuitem in the GTMenuList. This command
- works the same as the Acid command MenuItem *except* that the flags
- parameter is different. The flags in this library refer to the flag
- definitions found in the Amiga Include files. Note also that you cannot
- do mutual exclude menuitems using this library (yet).
- You'll notice that the itemtext$ parameter is optional - if you leave
- this out you'll get a bar item. This bar item will automatically fit
- perfectly across the menu width and will be unselectable by the user.
- This command fails in the specifed menu hasn't been defined, or the
- item is greater than 0 and item-1 is undefined.
- Statement: GTSubItem
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modes : Amiga/Blitz
- Syntax: GTSubItem GTMenuList#,flags,menu,item,subitem[,itemtext$[,shortcut$]]
- Creates the specified subitem in the GTMenuList. Need I say more? The
- flags are given as defined in the Amiga Include files.
- You'll notice that the itemtext$ parameter is optional - if you leave
- this out you'll get a bar item. This bar item will automatically fit
- perfectly across the menu width and will be unselectable by the user.
- Statement: CreateMenuStrip
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modes : Amiga/Blitz
- Syntax: CreateMenuStrip GTMenuList#
- Creates the actual GadTools menustrip from a GTMenuList object. When you
- call commands like GTMenuTitle the work is performed on an internal list to
- the library - not an actual menulist. Thus this command translates the
- internal list into a menulist and performs all GadTools formatting etc.
- This command is invoked automatically if it has not been called before
- you call GTSetMenu.
- Note also that you must have a currently used screen object to call this
- command since GadTools needs to know what screen to format your menus for
- (font sensitivity). Also note that you can call this command over and over
- again for a given object - thus after adding new items you can call it
- again to make this items appear in the menulist. WARNING before calling
- this command make sure that the GTMenuList given is not attached to a
- window - problems will occur (corrupt menu items) if you call this item
- whilst the menulist is attached. Use GTUnSetMenu to remove this menulist
- from a window.
- Statement: GTSetMenu
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modes : Amiga/Blitz
- Syntax: GTSetMenu GTMenuList#,Window#
- Attached the specified GTMenuList to the specified windows. If the given
- GTMenuList object has not had CreateMenuStrip called on it, CreateMenuStrip
- is automatically invoked to calculate the menulist.
- Statement: GTUnSetMenu
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modes : Amiga/Blitz
- Syntax: GTUnSetMenu
- This command removes the menulist from the current window. You must call
- this function before you call CreateMenuStrip IF you have already set the
- menulist to a window (come again? :) ).
- Statement: GTMenuChecked
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modes : Amiga/Blitz
- Syntax: status=GTMenuChecked (GTMenuList#,menu,item[,subitem])
- This commamd is used in conjunction with menuitems that have a check
- mark. If the item (or subitem) is currently checked (e.g. a tick appears
- in front of its text in the menu) then this command returns -1, else it
- returns 0. Note that you must have called either CreateMenuStrip or
- GTSetMenu before you use this command.
- Statement: GTSetMenuChecked
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modes : Amiga/Blitz
- Syntax: GTSetMenuChecked GTMenuList#,menu,item[,subitem],Off|On
- This sets the tick mark on the selected item (or subitem) to the status
- supplied (on or off). The same rules apply to this command as
- GTMenuChecked.
- Statement: GTFreeMenu
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modes : Amiga/Blitz
- Syntax: GTFreeMenu GTMenuList#,menu[,item[,subitem]]
- This frees the selected menu title/item/subitem from the libraries
- internal menu list. This change will not be reflected in the actual
- menulist created by CreateMenuStrip until you recall CreateMenuStrip.
- Deleting an item automatically causes its decendants to be deleted. Eg.
- deleting a menu title will cause all items that belong to it to be deleted,
- deleting a menu item will cause all subitems that belong to it be deleted.